Monday, June 16, 2008

Montview - 1020 Catherine Street, Victoria West

I've just discovered that there is an excellent resource for information about heritage homes here in Victoria. It's called "This Old House" and is produced by the Victoria Heritage Foundation. It lists heritage homes in the city, giving a short history and description of each, a photo and an address, so suddenly I am able to find out a little about some houses I admire and pass often.

This one, for instance, is only a few blocks from where I live and is called "Montview." It was built around 1890.
This late Victorian Queen Anne landmark residence dominates a corner lot and has been meticulously restored.

The original owner was John W. Cherry, an upholsterer with Weiler Brothers and later with David Spencer Ltd.
Not as much information as some but this is a house I particularly like - "meticulously restored" is nearly an understatement. Click to enlarge this photo and look at some of the details like the diamond pattern on the steps and gently curved bannisters. For those of you who want to find out a little more about the architectural style called "Queen Anne," click here.

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