Monday, June 30, 2008

Chinese Cemetery

This is the gate to the old Chinese Cemetery. Prior to 1903 Chinese were buried in a low-lying section of the Ross Bay Cemetery. After seven years the remains were exhumed and cleaned and stored for shipment to China where they were reburied after appropriate ceremonials. The Ross Bay location proved inadequate due to wave and water damage to graves during storms and in 1903 the Chinese community purchased this nearby site for temporary interments.The two towers on the right of this photo flank an altar where burial services were conducted. This plot of land was chosen in accordance with the principals of feng shui and it is interesting that the site (Harling Point) is also the meeting place of two large sections of the earth's crust.

This site was used for temporary burials until the war between China and Japan in the 1930's made it impossible for the practice to be continued. Burials at this site were permanent from then until the 1950's when the site was closed.

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