Sunday, June 15, 2008

Esquimalt Buccaneer Days - The Super Shot

The Victoria community called Esquimalt holds a special celebration every year called Buccaneer Days. Like the Oak Bay Tea Party, it is designed to foster community spirit and to support local charitable causes. There are number of traditional events such as pancake breakfasts, etc., and there is also this photographer's special delight, a carnival midway. This particular one had a ride called the Super Shot. It's very simple: Strap people in, haul them way up in the air, and then let go. To the objective bystander, the passengers appear to experience extreme distress as they plummet towards earth and it is a joy to watch the most macho young men and coolest young women dissolve into terror when the catch is released. In the photo immediately below a group is just nearing the top of the tower.In the next photo below, the group has just been released and are free fall. Click these photos for an enlarged view.

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