Monday, April 18, 2011

Saxe Point Park

Despite continuing cold temperatures (maybe it's just me still re-acclimatizing from my trip to India where the daily temp hovered around 30 degrees C.), spring is bursting out, though with some restraint. I went to Saxe Point Park for a walk yesterday to see if last year's eagle couple had re-occupied their nest and also to see what the state of the wildflowers was along the shoreline. There were a few Fawn Lilies and some Salmonberry blooms but most forest flowers are still awaiting the arrival of warmer weather. Nevertheless, just as I was leaving the park a shaft of sunlight drew my attention to this little flowering tree whose crisp white blossoms grace today's photo. Sorry, I haven't managed to identify this tree (yet). The eagle's nest is still atop a tall tree in the park but I didn't see any eagles.

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