Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lodi Gardens, Delhi, India

Greetings! Here I am back in Victoria after a quick jaunt to India. It wasn't a photographic excursion so I don't have many pictures to share. However the one above nicely encapsulates some of the outstanding aspects of my trip — beautiful sights and wonderful traveling companions. They are seated on the steps leading to the Bara Gumbad and looking towards the Sheesh Gumbad, two examples of 16th century Pashtun architecture found in the Lodi Gardens in Delhi, the capitol of India.
I've just been looking through the photos posted while I've been away and am glad I decided to arrange to let you see Victoria through another lens. My daugher, Fern Long, is a gifted photographer and artist and I am looking forward to seeing more of her work here. Thank you, Fern.

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