Monday, November 29, 2010

Water in Motion 2

About a month ago I wrote a little about my experiments with using a couple of polarizing filters to mimic the effect of a neutral density filter. The purpose was to achieve that silky, misty water effect at less cost (neutral density filters being very costly). At the time I was limited to using my 50mm prime lens since it was the only (non-telephoto) lens I had that I had two polarizing filters to fit. Recently I was able to complete a second set of two circular polarizer filters that will fit some of my other lenses and here is the first experiment. I am quite pleased though I still don't feel in complete control of the effects. There is really a nice wide range of exposure times available. The photo above is composed of two exposures fused. One was a 15 second exposure and the other was a 4 second exposure. In addition to allowing one to mess around with the intensity of the light the polarizing filters nicely increase the definition of the clouds.

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