Wednesday, November 17, 2010

...And Another ASTK

This is the third paste-up by local graffiti artist ASTK that I have posted here. I find these interesting for several reasons.They are stencils that are obviously prepared elsewhere and then stapled to wooden telephone poles here and there throughout the city. Those I've photographed have all been in Vic West but some have been spied in other neighborhoods. They have a very distinctive style and use consistent media. Even if they weren't all signed "ASTK" they would be easy to identify. The subjects are personalities from pop culture but I don't have any idea as to the reasoning behind the selection of subjects. Whether one likes them or not, there is no doubt that all these features make it clear there is an artistic consciousness behind these works that raises them to a level above what is normally considered to be graffiti. HERE is a link to the two earlier ASTK posts on this blog. HERE are some more and some thoughts on this kind of art. And HERE are another collector's finds on flickr.

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