Friday, August 20, 2010

NOT the Coit Tower

Whilst riding around the Fairfield neighborhood the other day I decided to visit Moss Rock Park, a small rocky hilltop, also known as Fairfield Hill. Photographers are a bit like goats in wanting always to get to the highest point available. Anyway, while I was up there I noticed a very tall strange looking tower that I hadn't really noticed before. Aha, I thought, the Coit Tower! Then I remembered that the Coit Tower is in San Francisco. After leaving the Abkhazi Garden (also in Fairfield) a few days later, we decided to try to get close to this mystery tower. It's in the Rockland neighborhood, off Laurel Lane, but it's not possible to get to it since it is surrounded by private homes. It's a water tower, 128 feet tall, built in 1909. It's no longer in use though for 25 years it bore a 22 foot neon flame that celebrated the centenary of the City of Victoria. This information comes from the Rockland Neighborhood Association Heritage Walking Tour. It's an interesting structure. The photo to the left was taken from Moss Rock Park to show this tower. (Click to enlarge.) The large gray house to the left of the tower is Government House, the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.

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