Monday, August 9, 2010

Night Market on Ship Point

Ship Point pier forms one side of the Inner Harbour and it is transformed on summer weekend evenings to an outdoor market specializing in art and crafts. There is some very beautiful work for sale here from fairly simple things such as T-Shirts and candles to wonderfully intricate jewelry and sculptures. At one end or the other there is usually a musician. It's well worth an evening's browse and when you're tired of shopping you can stroll over to the causeway for some entertainment from the buskers.
Just a note to say that I enjoyed tremendously the exotic Tibetan meal I had last night at The Tibetan Kitchen but the photos I took do not do justice to the food so I will have to return again, an inviting prospect, before I can share this place with you. In the meantime I invite you to check it out yourself. It's right downtown on the corner of Broughton Street and Douglas.

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