Sunday, July 6, 2008

Giant Watering Can

When I first saw this in Beacon Hill Park my smug Philistine self sneered at another pretentious modern art piece foisted on the ever-gullible public. "This one looks like a giant watering can," I thought. Next time I passed it I realized it was meant to look like a giant watering can. Another day and I noticed people running around under it and screaming. I stopped to watch. It doesn't just look like a giant watering can. It is a giant watering can, only with the difference that water doesn't just come out of the spout but squirts unpredictably from here and there all over the thing. What's more, it's got controls - buttons on it as well as a control panel at the left. The controls seem to have some effect but are not entirely predictable. One detractor called this watering can tacky and hideous, but I find I like it more every time I pass. Bravo to the Parks Department for this one.

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