Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Closer Look II

Continuing the series of photos looking at some of the details of the BC Provincial Legislative Assembly Buildings, above is another view of the portico of the Legislative Library at the rear of Legislature. And below are two more of the historical figures who stand in elevated niches on various corners of the building.
To the left is Chief Maquinna, identified on the plaque as "The Nootka Chief who welcomed the first white man landing on Vancouver Island in 1778." The First Nations people now occupying this area (Nootka Sound) are now more properly called the Nuu-chah-nulth. The white man in question was Captain James Cook although there is some doubt as to whether Cook and Maquinna actually met. Maquinna was later a central figure in events that are known as the Nootka Crisis when England and Spain went head to head in this area and Captain George Vancouver and Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra sat down to sort it out. Captain Vancouver's statue now adorns the very top of the Legislative Assembly. A bust of Quadra can be seen in Quadra Park on Belleville Street, overlooking the Victoria's Inner Harbour.
To the right is Sir Francis Drake. According to the plaque, "British Activity in North Pacific began with his voyage in 1579." Drake is probably better known for his circumnavigation of the globe - only the second time this had been done - and for his many other naval exploits and conquests. Drake is not perhaps quite so politically correct these days since among his many activities he was a pioneer in the slave trade. It is only fair to note though that Chief Maquinna was also a slave owner.

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