Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Victoria Daily Photo rarely has the opportunity to share something that is both unique and splendid such as the peony pictured above. It is unique because it is the sole plant produced from the hybridization of two other varieties of peony in the Abkhazi Garden. Both the parent plants can also be seen in this wonderful little hideaway here in Victoria and neither look like their offspring. We were visiting to catch the rhododendrons in bloom since the garden has a famous collection of these in a multitude of colors. In the midst of the riot of these blossoms I was attracted to this peony and while I was photographing it, its creator, a plant geneticist, came by and kindly told me about its history and how he came to produce this plant for the Abkhazis. You may not be lucky enough to have quite such an informative guide if you visit this garden but I guarantee you will have an interesting experience and enjoy yourself. Plan to stay for lunch - the food is as wonderful as the garden.

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