Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today's post of a photo of some lichen is the one-thousandth daily post I have made on this blog. While it's a purely arbitrary milestone, it seems like an appropriate time to re-define and re-focus Victoria Daily Photo. There are still many aspects of life in Victoria I have not touched here. For example, individuals (except for buskers) have largely been absent from this blog. So I would like to begin to feature some of the normal residents of the city. Some of you may visit some of the other City Daily Photo blogs (link on the right). It is interesting to see how the different city blogs deal with the population of their cities. Some cities are apparently devoid of residents. The photographers clearly wait to click the shutter until the scene is empty. Other city blogs are full of street photography and candid shots of the citizens. Some others are very direct and here I will recommend (as an example) Steffe's blog, Photos from Haninge. All his posts and photos are interesting but the direct way he approaches people, interviews them and photographs them is an inspiration (and a challenge) for me. Click here to see a recent example of this. There are some other changes coming that I hope will keep this blog fresh for me as well as for you.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who visits here regularly. Photography is interesting to me but mostly as a means of communication. It is important to me that people visit this blog and look at these photos. I hope it is not too metaphysical to say that in some sense, these photos do not exist until others look at them. I really appreciate the time that visitors spend here and any comments that are made. I hope to keep it interesting enough to bring you back for the next 1,000 posts.

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