Sunday, October 10, 2010

Street Furniture Revisited

Some time ago I did a short series of photos on street furniture - objects such as bike racks and benches. Another kind of furniture is also found in our streets, actual house furniture that has been discarded and left on the roadside. Sometimes, when the furniture is clean and in good condition, this is motivated by a real wish to be charitable and the furniture is left outside for anyone who wishes to take it away and use it. Much of the time, however, I suspect it is simply easier to leave it outside on the curb than it is to recycle or dispose of it properly. In any case, if you walk or drive around this city you will often see furniture and other items left on the street. I don't remember this happening when I was young forty or fifty years ago and I wonder what it says about changing attitudes towards furniture/possessions/charity/recycling....

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