Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vic West Corn Roast

One of my favorite annual events took place yesterday, the Victoria West Corn Roast. But it's not just about corn. There was free ice cream as well and, despite the gray skies, the event had all the laid-back, relaxed charm that it usually does. As well as the edibles, there were the ever-popular Zucchini NASCAR races. You can see the white ramp in the photo to the left and some of the participants on the left below. And there were popular local entertainers, including Weak Patrol (right below) providing lots of good music. This event also celebrated the 8th Anniversary of the Spiral Cafe, who are one of the sponsors of the event and organize it in conjunction with the Victoria West Community Association. My compliments to the organizers for an event that was as nice this year as it has been in years past. Thanks for a pleasant afternoon.

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