Wednesday, June 30, 2010


On Sunday while Dean Lewis was drawing my caricature (see previous post) I was also able to listen to some musical artistry from a little further up the causeway, the superb guitar stylings of Jean Bedard. He's another example of an artist whose performances you should plan to catch if you're visiting (or living) in Victoria. Jean's a quiet performer but if you
slow down,
sit down,
tune out the traffic noises and
you will be amply rewarded by his immaculate technique and sensitive interpretations. Buy one of his CDs to remind you of summer when next winter comes. Jean's not always on the Inner Harbour Causeway - often he plays at Fisherman's Wharf. To find out when and where he (or any other Causeway Artist) is playing, check the playlist schedule on the Causeway Artists website by clicking here. Below are a couple of samples of Jean's playing and singing.
"Lay Down by the Water" played by Jean Bedard

"I wish" played by Jean Bedard

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