Wednesday, December 10, 2008

St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Cathedral

Soaring skywards with its bold array of of coloured brick, stone and slate, St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Cathedral displays the confident spirituality that characterizes the best religious architecture of the High Victorian Gothic style. Designed in 1892 by Perrault and Mesnard of Montreal, St. Andrew's was inspired by the medieval cathedrals of Europe, whose emphatic verticality and picturesque asymmetry greatly appealed to the 19th-century Roman Catholic taste. The wall patterns, created by combining building materials of different colours, are a distinctive feature of the mature phase of the Gothic Revival style.
Thus states the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, and who am I to argue? This cathedral is right downtown, on the corner of Blanshard and View Streets and I hope I can show you the inside at some later date.

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