Friday, November 28, 2008


These delightful cherry blossoms are always a special signal for me that spring has finally arrived. Now it's time to get out the sunblock and my shorts and snorkel...HOLD ON THERE, PODNER! Whut in tarnation...?

OMG, it's still November and it's almost another month before we start heading into the light again. But the photo above is not archival. I took it yesterday in front of Victoria's Crystal Gardens (which you'll see tomorrow.) My only explanation for this arborial insanity (there isn't an active bee within a thousand miles) is that this must be one of those Autumn Flowering Cherry trees (Prunus subhirtella). I wouldn't even know there was such a thing if I hadn't read about them on Funabashi Daily Cell Phone Photo a little earlier this year. See, you learn all sorts of interesting things on City Daily Photo blogs.

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