Tuesday, August 12, 2008


One of many rewarding aspects of City Daily Photoblogging is the effect it has on one's perceptions. Every time I go out I see something "new." However, I suspect that many times it is not really "new" but it is only that I have just noticed it. Thus I am not really sure whether this dragon has been gracing this wall in Chinatown for a long time or has been mounted only recently, perhaps as part of the "150 Years on Golden Mountain" event celebrating the history of Chinese-Canadians in Victoria. In any case, I like it.****(added later) That little red plaque you can see near the bottom of the building reads, "Dragon Dance Mural by Robert Amos assisted by the Principal, teachers and children from the Chinese Public School to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Canada's oldest Chinatown."****

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