Saturday, November 8, 2008

Goldstream Park - Rain Forest

The rain continues, so today I decided to visit Goldstream Park, a large forested park about 10 miles (17 kilometers) from Victoria. Here is life that loves the cool damp weather and (I have to admit) it was beautiful. If I hadn't been worried about water damage to my camera I would have stayed longer. I shall certainly return in a few weeks for the famed salmon run, when these splendid fish crowd Goldstream's narrow channels to seek spawning grounds upstream. In the meantime, here's a little sample of life in an old-growth temperate rain forest.
(It's dark in the forest. All the above photos were unusually (for me) long exposures. Here's details for those who are interested in such things: the top photo was 15 seconds at f22, above left was 6 seconds at f32 and above right was 10 seconds at f29.)

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